National Speakers / TV Broadcasters

Going Beyond Live – Chicago

**Leadership Training** Come on Friday for You Lead women’s leadership training. Join us for You Lead, a one-day leadership training event for every woman held before Going Beyond Live. Find out more information at: **Going Beyond Live** Join Priscilla Shirer for practical, biblical teaching from a teacher you can trust. Learn to study God’s […]

FerVent 2.0

You’re invited to join dynamic brother-sister duo Anthony Evans and Priscilla Shirer for FerVent 2.0! New Message. New Music. Same Powerful Night! We can’t wait to see you!!

FerVent 2.0

You’re invited to join dynamic brother-sister duo Anthony Evans and Priscilla Shirer for FerVent 2.0! New Message. New Music. Same Powerful Night! We can’t wait to see you!!

FerVent 2.0

You’re invited to join dynamic brother-sister duo Anthony Evans and Priscilla Shirer for FerVent 2.0! New Message. New Music. Same Powerful Night! We can’t wait to see you!!

FerVent 2.0

You’re invited to join dynamic brother-sister duo Anthony Evans and Priscilla Shirer for FerVent 2.0! New Message. New Music. Same Powerful Night! We can’t wait to see you!!

CAP 2019 – Experience the Limitless God

The Conference of the Apostolic and Prophetic is a Christian Empowerment conference held in Miami, Fl. where people from all around the world gather together inside the American Airlines Arena. With an atmosphere created in faith, the presence of the God of no impossibilities is tangibly ready to manifest the healing, miracles, and encounter you […]

CAP 2019 – Experience the Limitless God

The Conference of the Apostolic and Prophetic is a Christian Empowerment conference held in Miami, Fl. where people from all around the world gather together inside the American Airlines Arena. With an atmosphere created in faith, the presence of the God of no impossibilities is tangibly ready to manifest the healing, miracles, and encounter you […]

CAP 2019 – Experience the Limitless God

The Conference of the Apostolic and Prophetic is a Christian Empowerment conference held in Miami, Fl. where people from all around the world gather together inside the American Airlines Arena. With an atmosphere created in faith, the presence of the God of no impossibilities is tangibly ready to manifest the healing, miracles, and encounter you […]